Glazebrook Methodist Church

Whether young, old or inbetween, there are so many activities at Glazebrook Methodist Church there’s something for everyone however active you are!

What doesn’t happen at Glazebrook Methodist Church! As a multi-use facility, it has all sorts of activities happening under its roof. For young to old members of our community, there’s always something happening, whether it’s badminton or tap dancing classes, regular group meetings or even popping into the coffee mornings!

The hall was damp and cold and needed improvements to the frontage, windows and heating facilities. Hamilton Davies Trust was keen to ensure that the facilities remained available for local residents and were happy to help with the necessary improvements.

HDT provided an investment of £20,000 and a local professional builder volunteered to project manage the improvements, which saw the introduction of new windows to the Church Hall community room, a new heating system, internal decorating and removal of two trees which were blocking light and the view of the church from the road.

The work has greatly improved the facilities on offer in Glazebrook and will ensure that the local community benefit for many years to come.

The Church now hosts meetings of the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish Plan Steering Group and the Book Exchange. It is hoped that the improved facilities will become home to more community groups and activities.

The Church Hall is available to hire:

Contact Harry Hunt on 0161 775 2263.