St Helen’s C of E Primary School
This Village Primary School offers its pupils a lot more thanks to HDT. They work in partnership with a number of organisations, parents and the community.
Children at St Helens C of E Primary School at Hollins Green in Rixton-with-Glazebrook are enjoying all sorts of imaginative adventures thanks to the funding from Hamilton Davies Trust.
As well as being a Church of England School, it is also the ‘Village’ Primary School, catering for children regardless of their religious background.
The school works closely with the organisations within the village and maintains a good relationship with parents and the community. HDT provided funding to the school to improve the outdoor space and after school activities. Children can develop their gross motor, coordination, balance, confidence and teamwork skills in the outdoor area. They can also use role-play and imagination at their special story telling area featuring six toadstools placed around a chair.
An outdoor stage has also been installed with children of all ages using it at break and lunchtime. HDT also enabled after school coaching with a grant to allow the school to offer a provision for dance, football, rugby and handball. The children receive specialist coaching from Fusion Dance and the Warrington Wolves Foundation. Up to 105 children of all ages enjoy the classes every week.
Children participating in the Fusion Dance classes have the opportunity to perform at the Warrington Wolves Stadium in front of home crowds and joint dance productions organised by Fusion Dance.
“The outdoor area is great for developing a variety of skills for the children and enhances imagination and play. It’s a massive improvement for play times particularly in the winter and during bad weather as the large field would get waterlogged and very soggy. The children love using the new facilities” Mrs Morris, School Teacher