Celebrating station’s 150yr Anniversary

HDT were proud to support the Friends of Glazebrook Station (FRoGS) with their special event on 2nd September 2023, put on to celebrate 150yrs since Glazebrook Station first opened in 1873.
To help promote the event and guide visitors to Glazebrook Station, HDT organised a 4.5 mile ‘Flat Cap’ guided walk from Irlam Station to Glazebrook Station and back. Fortunately the weather was kind to the 54 walkers and 4 dogs who joined in the occasion and all thoroughly enjoyed the walk. On arrival at Glazebrook Station walkers had the opportunity to learn more about the station’s history and take in the live music, stalls and tasty light refreshments put on at Glazebrook Methodist Church as well as a guided walk and talk around the station by FRoGS volunteers, and a model railway exhibit of the station produced by the Warrington Model Railway Society.
Keen to support FRoGS and promote local history, HDT produced a display of old photographs of Glazebrook Station in its hey day, for visitors to enjoy. We wish to thank the local history society and local historians that supported our work by sharing old photographs and information, enabling us to put on a comprehensive and interesting display, which is still on show at Glazebrook Station for public viewing.
Walkers and visitors joining in the event had a lovely day, with lots of reminiscing taking place and people sharing their memories of the station’s former years. The event was a great showcase of what Glazebrook Station must have been like in its heyday, with the steam and bustle of railway activity and transportation that used to take place there in the industrial era.
During the afternoon a ribbon cutting was held on the Liverpool platform to celebrate the 150yr anniversary and to thank the FRoGS volunteers for their hard work in planning, preparing and putting on the celebratory event, as well as their many sponsors and supporters who together helped to make the day very special!
On returning to Irlam Station the walkers were able to put their feet up and enjoy some Bavarian fayre and the sounds of the Oompah Band as the station celebrated its 150yr anniversary.
HDT congratulate the volunteers on all their work so far in improving the look and feel of the station, and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
Posted on: 26th September 2023